
Add purpose, relevance and impact for youth and Life on Earth

The 4th Pillar of Democracy

never was about gossip or investigation of the dirty 1%; your function is to

inspire and equip the 99% decent citizens

with tangible solutions and allies to co-create the now and future they love.

Challenge your crew and medium to realize tangible milestones
for global hero*ines and local youth leadership.

Inspire Audiences

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Involve Audiences

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Tell their Stories

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Essential aspects are role models (shaping 80% of human behavior) and immediate action opportunities (boost ventures, use tools and tricks, reach milestones, book speakers, volunteer …).

YL offers you stories, sources, protagonists and compelling ways to engage your audiences.

Your priority Maps


Inspire students, spark action and student clubs with the world’s finest role models


Find outstanding changemakers, youth leadership coaches and learnspaces to engage your audiences

Local Maps

Find local stakeholders and help creating an Enabling Environment for youth to self-organize projects

Countless superb stories.

You’ll be surprised at what stories you’ve been missing out on for years. Our community generates a year-round stream of highly inspiring actionable stories.

Be relevant.

Your audience’s hearts yearn for solutions to change lives, land, learning, laws and industries. Give them stories relevant to their heads, hearts, and hands – stuff they can truly use in their spheres of life.

Projects not protests.

“You never change things by criticizing existing reality. To change something, create a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller

Please help your audience upgrade from 20th century voters and consumers, incompetent (let experts do it), impotent (did the past decade’s protests evoke relevant tangible change felt by the world’s girls, plants, animals and people in crisis regions?) waiting for a few non-genius citizens temporarily in government to pay someone to fix things _ to Able Active Caring Citizens implementing humanity’s finest solutions in their home region … like they are all used to learn “the world’s best make-up, recipes and dance moves” ferom youtube).   

Challenge yourself.

Many journalists think they know it all – better than politicians, business leaders, artists, national team coaches … if we installed journalists as kings, the world would be Paradise in a few weeks. Or would it? How much tangible change have your, your colleagues and medium evoked last year? Set goals, select milestones and #bemoreawesome

Append the add-on.

Inspiration is not enough. Your audience is used to wait for others to act. Nudge them to act. End articles with an action guide to swift action to boost or replicate the initiative, forward it to others, book the hero*ine as speaker, use a pertaining UN Day occasion and more. We help you with that.

Weekly occasions.

Caring journalists use UN Theme Days of Women, Peace and Water to raise awareness on crisis, but all they have is sad numbers. Instead, use hero*ines + solutions + action calls to activate stakeholders, citizens, youth for the occasion. We serve 50 UN Theme Days _ also Radio, Teachers, Family, Friendship, Charity, Food, Habitat (awesome cities) etc.; ~1 per week. Imagine what your profession can do … 

Engage and reward audiences.

Inspire audiences to act AND tell you of their actions. It sets off a virtuous cycle of inspiration and collaboration with ripple effects in the community.

Collaborate with local youth and allies.

Your finest local hearts deserve your support. And you need protagonists. Here they are!

Host open conversations.

Your national talkshow colleagues waste precious air- and life-time for nonsense. You can use a similar format – and do a million times better. Get face to face with regional changemakers, magical coaches, youth leaders, caring citizens and grow a big family together!

Worldclass expert community.

If you have not yet evoked remarkable positive impact, and your schools and civic organizations have not yet cultivated high impact youth leadership, you need access to better expertise. 

Premium access for interviews & more.

Caring journalists deserve access to hero*ines and our global, multi-disciplinary, behind-the-scenes  knowledge.

Collaborate with Hero*ines, Project Partners, YL Coaches.

Our members develop friendly relations with changemakers, and here you are free to “take their side” on reporting and to work together to generate uplifting content relevant to your audiences’ demand for solutions and action improving their lives at home, at work, in town and the world. Yeah, loving it!

Make Immersive Experiences.

Pay visits to your favorite hero*ines, colleagues, boss battles in crisis regions … create spectacular world-premiere stories, bring support, make impact, become protagonist, spark follow-up action _ and live dreams!

Co-create YL Magazine.

We embody positive content and welcome yours! What will you contribute to global magazine, and to theme, continental, national and big city issues?

Already, the Map is more rich and actionable than any other platform for positive journalism, and it is rapidly growing. Make it the best it can be by living your values and serving your trade’s finest protagonists by informing, inspiring, involving and equipping the biggest possible audience to change as many lives, land, learning, laws and industries as possible.

You cannot buy a ticket to access YL’s hero*ine community.
You earn it, by doing good for people and planet.